Blog (Page 6)

G’day Sydney! This is the place where I spent my formative 20s in university. It’s great to be back and I look forward to contributing to the Sydney start-up community with all of my experiences as a business owner since the age of 27. Let’s connect! Tweet me: @gojasminelow.Continue Reading

There seems to be a buzz word off the lips of every young Malaysian entrepreneur these days. A new buzz word that will make your company on the top of the list to attract ‘Gen Y’ employees. Social entrepreneurship.Cause-related marketing. Companies today are more socially conscious and it seems thatContinue Reading

When corporations target ‘indie’ groups, are they tapping into the right focus group study? The year is 2009 and when you look around, you’ll see more and more brands calling for support of the ‘indie scene’, ‘indie is cool’, ‘indie indie indie’. What is this concept of ‘indie’? We preparedContinue Reading

Text by Jasmine Low. Works in progress from a documentary script titled ‘The man from Bangkok Lane’. Written and performed at the first CROSS BORDER poetry slam! co-organised by Chris Mooney-Singh, Bhavinda and Sharon Bakar at Seksan’s Kuala Lumpur, 31 March 2007. Tsk. Along with Han, KG and Datuk Shan, I wasContinue Reading

Text by Jasmine Low. Inspired by Francesca Beard.Written 18 August 2006. Ah! Man in the middle lane You’re annoying me with no blinkers Going nowhere You’re going somewhere Far away from where the rest of us Too close to my liking Too close up my rear You! Man in the middleContinue Reading

Tirelessly, she draws on her linerpractises her opening numbersstretches her lips from side to sideholds her head upgrabs her hair backsmilesand pretends to yawncackles, then angles her neck to let out a stream of laughtershe is ready.And she dials for her public cab6 2 5 9  2 0 2 0OnContinue Reading